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King of Engagement - Instagram Study Q1 2015

Written by Julian Gottke | Apr 21, 2015 10:00:00 PM

Find the latest quintly Instagram Study here.

Average Interaction on Instagram is up to 10 times higher than on Facebook

The following Instagram study provides insights on the most important stats during the first quarter of 2015. To get part of the photo-stream of an individual is not an easy task for companies. With 300M monthly active users and 2.5B likes per day the photo-sharing platform literally exploded since it was founded. People seem to like square-shaped pictures and the intuitive double tap like function and consequently interact a lot. In this study we analyzed how likely it is that users interact with the average account on this social network. On top of that, we wanted to identify if videos play a crucial factor in Instagram strategies, and which amount of posts might be considered as an optimum, plus an analysis on other relevant metrics.

Number of Instagram Posts

Whereas the average Facebook Page posts 1.5 times per day the number of posts on Instagram differs. Here users are tending to post less with roughly 1 post per day during Q1 in 2015. Analyzing pages with more than 100k followers, we found that these bigger pages tend to post more frequently than smaller pages.

Video / Image Distribution

We found in this study that 93.78% of users posts are images. Nevertheless, we saw in the Instagram strategy of New York Times, that for some channels videos play an important role.

Instagram Study Q1 2015

Average Likes Per Post

As mentioned, videos do not seem to play a crucial role in Instagram strategies. Nevertheless, the following table shows that video and image posts receive a similar amount of likes on average.

Online Appearance

Interaction Rate

Our Instagram study shows Interaction Rates are much higher on Instagram than on Facebook. Thus the average post on Instagram receives more Likes, Comments and Shares as on Facebook or Twitter (favs, re-tweets, replies). Moreover, this interaction rate increased by 1% during the first quarter 2015:

Interaction Rate on Twitter ≈ 0.25
Interaction Rate on Facebook ≈ 0.72
Interaction Rate on Instagram ≈ 4.80

For fetching this kind of data we analyzed 5000 Instagram profiles and calculated averages for the metrics. Knowing these averages you are able to benchmark yourself and adjust upcoming activities when needed. Further, it is interesting to see how a network develops after the first hype as stats get more representative. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of Instagram for businesses, the embedded SlideShare is able to enhance the understanding of marketing on Facebooks social network Instagram. With ten times higher interaction rates compared to Facebook, the network is now enhanced with an increasingly attractive advertising feature. Now, it is possible for selected companies to sponsor posts on the platform. As the company announced, these ads should not alienate users with an advertising manner.

You can see all interesting stats of our study in the SlideShare below. If you have any questions or you want to receive other Instagram Studies, just send us a tweet or subscribe to our blog.

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