"This feels right. I think I'm going with my guts on this." As a data guy, I'm glad I have learned not to make that mistake. Only going with your intuition won't get you far in the fast and ever-changing business of social media. There need to be more accurate and reliable resources to base your decisions on if you want to break through the clutter. This redirects us to the right usage of social media metrics.
Your social media performance and campaigns are only as successful as you can prove them to be. But how do you know what really counts as an indicator of success? Are your efforts actually paying off or are you just lucky? Don't start guessing or supposing. Some sayings might be cheesy but there is a concrete truth to You can only improve what you can measure. To know what really drives your social media performance allows every part of your company to set quantitative goals. You can only adjust your strategy when you have some hard data to compare it to.
Gather qualitative insight by picking them from our social media metrics. Currently there are around 80 different social media metrics in our analytics tool. Embrace the quantity and put together an individual KPI setup. Different audiences need different kinds of content. And different social media campaigns need different indicators to be measured by. Compile a customized dashboard with all the social media metrics that you need to specifically narrow down your analytics to the very core of your interest. Track and gather reliable statistics that your whole company can build on.
Within quintly you have the option to choose from different platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Specify your analytics effort by selecting widgets from different sub-categories like Fans/Followers/Subscribers, Posts/Tweets, Interactions etc. Build, measure and learn. Social media metrics help people to make smart decisions. Define quantitative goals that amplify your qualitative standards.
How many interactions is your content creating? What kind of content reaches the biggest audience at a specific time compared to your competition? Is your fan growth correlating to your post rate? With the right social media metrics those questions won't stay unanswered. Have a look at our Knowledge Base to find detailed descriptions to all of our metrics.
If you are missing this special metric or you have any other questions regarding our set of social media metrics, please leave us a comment. Thank you.